

How To Choose & Wear Oversized Hoodies

For Women

You might have heard all across social media for several years now about comfy attire being trendy especially after the Corona Virus rampaged most places on earth.

One of the best and perhaps the most well known piece of clothing when it comes to this trend is the hoodie. I won’t go around telling you about the origin of the hoodie or whatever, so let us save it for another day, right? Have you ever seen that iconic Ariana Grande’s pic in a hoodie that was hoodiing? Yes you have. Let me show you, right here:

You might be asking yourself. But she wears that all the time. That’s right. Forgive the post for the clarity of that image. It ain’t mine so…Back on that picture. That right there is a perfect example of a hoodie that is hoodiing. That means it looks nice and not tight in any form whatsoever.

I am writing this article today to show you how to achieve that classy look with a hoodie if you are a woman. There are three main points to consider here:

Shoulder fit:

If you want to achieve that oversized look, NEVER EVER wear a hoodie that fits your shoulders perfectly, as if you are wearing a padded blazer. The length of the hoodie shoulder should be in such a way that it looks kinda sloppy. Somewhere like over your arm should do the trick.

The Space Between The Hoodie And Your Armpit

Here is where the majority of girls trying to make the oversized look make most of the damage. Oversized means LARGE all the way. At least in English. So that space there must always be large. In a way that you can hide something huge in there (laughs). You can know these when you stretch your arms. You will notice what I am talking about.

The Bottom Cuffs of The Hoodie

Is that even the right term? I don’t know. What I mean is the bottom most part of the hoodie that should originally cover the waist. I am not talking about the wrist cuffs, the waist cuffs. You feel me (laughs) I suppose most hoodies were worn originally by men so that part was always tightened to make their physique look more athletic. But for the sake of this post or trend or fashion, whatever you wanna call it, it should be loose. Never buy one with that part tight, unless of course you need something more official or just when you feel like it.

Extra Points to note:

Choose neutral colors: Oversized hoodies look best in neutral colors like black, white, gray, or beige

Wear it as a dress: One trendy way to wear an oversized hoodie is to wear it as a dress. Pair it with knee-high boots or sneakers for a chic look.

Choose the right material: A cotton hoodie would really be great. Look for those made with organic materials and avoid things like polyester as they will still appear great in the long run. Cheers